Horse Stall Bedding How You Can Save Money – Veterinarian Listing

In a stall, you’ll need to provide some bedding to your horse in a stall, and the cost of this could quickly increase. It is likely that you are utilizing horses stall bedding that is made from pine, or some other type of bedding that’s widely available in the area you live in. This video explores ways to reduce the amount of money spent on horse stall bedding.

If you’re hoping for a way to save on bedding, shopping in bulk could be an excellent choice. If you make a big purchase some businesses will offer discount prices, free delivery or even special service. You can order a truckload of goods for one delivery. It is possible to reduce the cost of multiple shipping charges on smaller quantities.

A horse that is spending most of their time outside of their stalls require lesser bedding than horses who use their stalls inside. Horses may decide to go outside for longer periods of time while in the stall, and will not require as much bedding nor as much maintenance.

You should throw out any used bedding that is stained, and reuse items that are in good shape. Utilize the method of deep litter to prevent the needless use of bedding as well as to cut down on the amount of time cleaning toilets.