By using RSS for my website I may be able to add more content on a consistent basis, but it is important that I first look at how the information is being displayed, and what type of RSS feeds I really want to use. To add RSS feed to website content, you need a RSS feed. These can be found on RSS directories, or directly on websites that have a link with the RSS icon featured at the top. These icons contain the direct link for the RSS stream, which is what I would use to add RSS for my website content. You will need to consider how the stream itself will be displayed as well.
If you have a feed that displays text links, then your options are usually fairly flexible. You can find plenty of readers that will make it easy to add RSS for websites in a streaming banner or column, for example. When I want to add RSS for my website in a way that compliments the rest of the design, I typically add a reader that fits the general design and visual flow of the site. Each page is different, but having a universal standard when I add a RSS feed for my website helps to provide a template I can use to add new pages later without worrying about any design conflicts. From there, I can add RSS feed on my website to other areas if I choose. As another example, if I am part of a website network, then I can add a link on the main page that features updates with content and headlines from other sites on that network. They, too, might add my RSS stream to their site. Adding RSS for my website can be beneficial all around.
The RSS on my website is also chosen for being relevant. If I am not worried about linking to other sites, then I could choose stories that are related to what my site covers. If I want RSS for my website that helps to support certain stories that the page covers, I can even add content specific filter tags to the stream for more stories about the same topic I just discussed in an article. This can help me to add RSS feeds for my website that users will find to be relevant, and allows me to make the most of the stream.