Why Acupuncture is the Next Big Thing in Medicine – Biology of Aging


This qi is disrupted, that can lead to unbalanced energy as well as illness. The process of acupuncture involves inserting needles of a small size that are made of sterilized materials to specific regions on the skin where Qi flow is more close to the surface. It triggers the release of chemical substances to relieve ailments and discomfort, as well as to balance the flow of energy.


1. Are acupuncture treatments effective in relieving persistent pain? It is possible. It has proven effective to alleviate chronic pain and discomfort in the back, neck, and shoulder regions.

2. Can whole body acupuncture be carried out? The areas that relate to certain ailment or pain could be treated.

3. Acupuncture needles and pain control needles can be utilized to treat the pain.

In order to study acupuncture, physicians who are acupuncturists don’t require any prior medical knowledge. They need to complete the required degree, depending on where they livebefore they are given their license.

Acupuncture is widely recognized as a alternative method of treatment that has provided numerous benefits.
